Thursday 2 February 2012

Animation References

For some ideas on what kind of animation will be needed to appriopriately display the characters villian traits I have looked up a number of video clips which show them.

From my overall understanding from watching these clips it is quite clear that hand gestures play a very important role in showing a villains emotions. Facial expressions are usually overly done.

0:20 - 0:31

Dr Doofenshmirtz from Phineus and Ferb laughs and gestures at his evil plans.

I particularly like the hand gestures he does at the end of the clip. It is asossiated with madness and scheming. Perfect for my animation.

0:38 - 0:44

Dr Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog makes evil hand gestures and faces.

Once again the wriggling fingers gesture shows up. He also raises his hands as seen to the left here.

6:57 - 7:02

Captain Hook from Disney's Peter Pan.

There are loads of great scenes in this video. Captain hook inparticular is a huge user of hang gestures (a feat considering he has only 1) often being overly dramatic when he does them.

His facial expressions also border on insane.

6:12 - 6:22

Yzma from The Emperors New Groove

She mostly acts through her facial expressions and does a number of crazy faces.

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