Thursday 8 March 2012

Animation Stroyboard

Finally got round to drawing up the storyboard for the final animation. I've had the text portion below written out for a couple of weeks now. In any case here is the final draft I have created.



A lab room full of equipment, there are tables with scrap littered about and a main desk with blueprints on them. There is also a blackboard with complicated maths on it. The room starts out very dark with no windows. The room is later illuminated by industrial lights from above which are clap activated. 

  • Dark scene, door opens and some light floods in.
  • Character walks in (Camera follows the characters legs as he walks).
  • Character Stops. Camera switches to his hands.
  • He claps and the lights above switch on.
  •  Camera stays on his hands as he drums his fingers together thinking.
  • Scene cuts to character smoothing out his blueprints with his hands on a desk. 
  • Title of blueprint is easily visible "Doomsday Machine".
  • Camera slowly pans back up to show characters face.
  • Character grins menacingly and then laughs hysterically (classic evil laugh and pose)
  • Shot of character putting on his goggles to work.
  • Sound effects highlight most of the action as the character works on his machine.
  • Camera shows scrap paper pinned to wall. "Greatest Inventor wins yet another award". 
  • The picture is clearly of someone else. The picture has a red big cross on it.
  • Couple shots showing character working on machine. - Using wrench - half underneath machine. etc.
  • Machine is finished, character pushes up his goggles.
  • Before pressing the button he is clearly excited, gesturing with his hands (fingers wriggling) and then slowly he presses the button on the machine.
  • Machine makes odd noises, sputters, powers up and finally DING. Toast pops out.
  • Shot of characters face - shocked non expression.
  • Head falls and he droops all disappointed.
Post-Credits Bonus
  • Character sitting in a chair munching on toast. 

Storyboard 1

Storyboard 2

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