Monday 6 February 2012

Character Development

Building upon the character design in the previous post I have come up with a number of personality traits to help flesh him out into a more believable character.

Name: Dr. Charles Strite  |  Age: 54  |  Profession: Inventor 

Charles never made it as a famous inventor, he developed a bad reputation when he was younger for claiming others had stolen his ideas without any proof. Whether his accusations were true or not remains a mystery. Regardless, Charles despises the world for not believing him and aims to one day invent something so amazing, something so life changing that nobody would dare question he had never invented it himself.

However the years have taken a toll on Charles' sanity causing him to become a little crazy, coupled with his age he is often slightly forgetful and sometimes makes mistakes. Many of his inventions are built with revenge purely in mind but end up going oddly wrong giving him the title of "Dr. Crazy Scientist Guy"

I think this character would fit quite well with a childrens cartoon show. While being easily recognisable as the villain he is also never too threatening because his inventions never pan out the way he wants them too, often in comical ways.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting character which is starting to emerge - and you rightly identify that he shouldn't be too scary, the bumbling professor gives license to bring some humour into his madness!
