Tuesday 1 May 2012

Animating Process - Scene 5

This is the scene that basically shows the doctor getting to work, he pulls on his goggles, causing the rubber band to stretch and then lets go snapping them into place over his eyes.

Hands Positioned, Grabbing Goggles

Same as above, without bones showing

To animate the goggle strap stretching I used the modifier FFD 4X4X4 which allows simple deformation of the object.

Before Modifier

After Modifier

This gives a fairly realistic stretching look as the object is deformed. He then moves the goggles to be about eye level and releases them. This is achieved by animating the fingers individually.

Holding at eye level


Here is a quick render of the whole animation as it looks so far. I added a small recoil animation on his head as the goggle goes into place to overemphasise the force.

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