Scene 9 is just a quick shot of the control panel with the start button on it so I wont detail that here. Scene 10 however was probably the most complex animation so far.
In an attempt to mimic the hand motions of Dr. Doofensmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, previously mentioned in the blog, I had to individually animate each finger and make sure they were synced correctly with the other fingers.
Animating the wriggly fingers |
It took a long time and some fiddling but I managed to get a relatively fluid looking animation. However I had only done one hand so far. In an attempt to find a quicker solution I looked online for some advice and came across the option to save and load animation clips.
Right clicking the palm and selecting save anim |
Saving the animation clip |
Saving the animation of the palm includes all child bones, in this case the fingers. After saving the animation it can then be loaded on any similar bone.
Right Click, Load Anim |
Loading the Animation |
The load animation option is quite flexible and allows the animation to start at any frame. In this case I only needed it to start at frame 0 like the other hand. Double the work in half the time!
This complex animation however revealed that the skin envelopes around the fingers were less than perfect so I had to readjust them to prevent bulges and other unnatural shapes.
Fixing the fingers |
Modifying individual vertex strengths. |
Here is a preview of how the animation looks so far. Not bad, just wish I could give him some facial expressions. As of this moment I have had little luck with morpher but hopefully I will have time yet.
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